Some of the Major Causes of Weak Erection And Premature Ejaculation In Men

1. Stress and over-work Are the most common causes of a reduced sex drive. cigarettes, alcohol and above all, try to relax and switch off.

2. Poor diet; If you’re not getting enough vitamins and minerals  hormone imbalances may arise and have a big effect on your sex drive.

3. Being overweight: Can cause sluggishness, low energy levels, a diminished libido and low self esteem. Consuming too many carbohydrates raises sugar Level  which will further lower your sex drive.

4. Excessive alcohol: Reduces testosterone production. Extreme long term abuse can cause impotence, shrunken penis.

5. Smoking: It can cause high blood pressure and bad circulation, it will also lower your sperm count. Having a high sperm count acts as a trigger boosting sex drive.



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